few words after some time again...I'm in school..that means some 100s km from home...oh well. But first: my friend Stanka, has a new flat..so I went to see it.
balcony...sweet..adverb of somekind, oh what..nothing's perfect\
view from kitchen...reality sucks
Stanka a her new flat..no light yet..but Mac in hand
weird window on the floor. Let me know if someone of you {two readers} find out what the hell is that window doing there...
first flat portrait..sweet..I really liked the white space everywhere..no rails, nothing

oh, I couldn't resists. Me, my bag and Stankas iMac
meeting in a pub after some time...some people came back from england or whereever they were...

quick look at former high school...they have a new cooling system for their network...iteresting...
the day before the party..and two days before leaving to school
washing the dishes after moving all the stuf to the flat..apartment or whatever...
sweet view don't you think?
no more photos from that day..I had been cleaning windows..and other stuff...
the b-day
showing the new bathroom to the party members..more photos will follow..as she had to show the whole flat to every person that came to the party...including me

starting slowly...but just wait for it...

sorry it's upside down..it wasn't my b-day...reminds me "the cake si a lie"

a newcommer...Janka (one of many)
with a present..bla,bla,bla...

same bathroom, different visitor

isn't it sweet? the way how she looks out the windows

well...she is a very nice person....and maybe too nice for this part of world

stethoscope is fun
the devil is on the left side

I told you there are more photos...another bathroom and a new person.
it's not a coffee in there..nooo it is not :)
getting late and some drunk too

the party didn't finished here..some you remeber that it didn't...it's just I couldn't hold the camera anymore
you can think what you want but I insist that I wasn't drunk...not much...

oh yeah, informatics rocks

I was too mean to buy myself a map...thank you unknown girl from room 206
my beer...the only cheap alcohol in here...but it tastes sooo good. oh..almost forgot..it's was my first beer in the shot...
doing the homework...it is very nice to see people like these...I think I will like this city. For those who don't bother clicking on the photo, she is drawing the building on the right...the library
random stuff from tram

haha, vitamin C injection
but don't try it at home, kids...it hurts...right Dusan?

so damn good that it even doesn't require any comment from me. Just great...found it on my way to college house..