I kinda see no point in this blog any longer. Not quite sure why. Yet I decided to show off something. It's been a while since my last post.

You know the boring weekends, nothing to do, with a huge need to learn. Well, we went to some old underground factories from WWII.
in front of one of the entrances. yet there are few kilometres of tunnels there
inside, in total darkness... without any flashlights. Just built-in flash on Rado's camera
I didn't even know if I captured something, but yeah.. I did. Or the camera did. it's like 4000ISO, hell dark even with the flash
the entrance of a nuclear shelter
old railroad/tram tracks

at first they linked two parts of Brno with a regular train, later they led trams into technical museum.
view back to where we came from. Some newly built gas system ... whatever. Brnos incineration plant in back.
those tracks led us to... well, definitely a still-life photo style...
What to do when there a rainy hell out there? Take your kids too! At least they're not watching some stupit TV show all the day. There are baby-coaches.
green, green, green - it's "cool" to be "eco" or "green".. though I like this place. Just a piece o lawn at height of windows. nice
rain, rain and even more rain. Grandfather and grandson
weird pose for a man just waiting. Nope, he wasn't going into or out the building..

I didn't really get this. Why the heck was he pumping some shit to the building? I mean office block. The tube went to the 3rd or 4th floor.
still raining, employe parking place at back of a shopping centre
girl with guitar in tram. Number 4 if you want to know :)
on my way from school, still raining. Some managers walking by
Afterparty remains. It wasn't our, I swear.
some random stuff from evening on stairway, classics
back home, on my way to dentist (nearly 70km from PD), as a kid I admired this roof, now it just laying there on the ground
at the dentist, sister got her dental braces removed.

we had to wait for ... can't really remember what for. Father and sister were having phonecalls like 10 minutes long, got bored a bit.
tried to shoot them both, yet they probably didn't like it
bathroom classics
at Trencin's caste museum
in some prehistoric pit in the castle
view from the highest tower
our guide didn't give a fuck about what we can do there
the other side of tower view, looks kinda same, doesn't it?
barking dog in not so public area of the place.
me being interested in sigma's 105mm bokeh, friends camera
camera has really nice color response. Well it's farily new, that might be the reason
brno in its daily routine
weird decoration for a garden hut
bike locked in the middle of ... nothing, backyard of the main bus station

Katka at Brno's main place
some celebrations of german/russian occupation.
don't really know, some were russians. All the cars were german.
many journalists with "big white Ls" and some hobbyists
WWII soldiers at MC's