a notice first. This entry is mix of some photos, some are from events..like funeral, more to that later.
note to google: do something with the f***ing image uploading system...annoying
bird feeder at Spilberk, Brno...framed cathedral in back
this time cathedral only
frames, frames and more frames...uhm, the sun could be a bit higher, but (there's allways one) I couldn't get it higher as I'm too short
almost a tetris block...sweet
from the funeral...few photos only, because SOME POEPLE DISLIKE my posted photos here
you know the funeral scenes from hollywood production...allways raining...well, as it was bellow zero °C only the snow was falling from the heaven
no food served with this cart..sank in snow
the priest left first...took the money and left...even religion is guided by money
my sister explaining something..I don't remember what...
nice blue napkin
later...and no more later...well, I could post the shot before and say "this is after I ate every piece of the meal"
there's a photo competition..theme water-something...so I took some old glass for an experiment
and even more water...freeezing water

it lost its dynamics...it looked nicer in viewfinder...
nature minimalisim
note to google: do something with the f***ing image uploading system...annoying

1 comment:
Ako vždy... niečim pústave :)
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