a short post, for girls, some shots, mainly backstage...or backstage only..wasn't really worth even trying get some from the auditorium, there were like 5 or 6 mics...'a real cultural experience' looking at microphones
an actual training should have started hour before...uhm 'the show'
but it started a half hour later

they were conscientious about the training though
brings up an idea in my mind, sweet shadows there...

trainer at work

a smile is essential

a briefing
and step to costumes..the white ones
ever wonder what will happen if you put few girls in a room...you can be sure about one thing, it gonna be loud

leave nothing to chance...

three, two, one...and don't forget to smile

I have no idea what were they up to...
sure thing is they had a very good time
phone prank!
(not really, just trying to make a reservation)

you would not like to meet this misterious monster in a dark street (althought a light street would be much much better)

I was a bit surprised when I saw them...didn't know they're going to be awarded (cultural contribution for the year 2008) If you don't know them, look for one of previous posts http://milansturcel.blogspot.com/2009/02/tramtarara-freind-of-mine-told-me-im.html
a minute before
simply beautiful...ironically meant...those microphones. There's nothing nice for me to say about them. Nevertheless, she was quite good at singing...yet she's won a prize
and the stars
always smiling

the end
and 'afterparty'
a Mimikra in her natural habitat, approach with caution. Also never leave your food unwatched if there's a possible presence of a Mimikra.
ballon fun continues...didn't last long..first cracked almost in an instant...second got lost somewhere in lower floor

Gabika doesn't like my camera :(

more of ballon fun

(not really, just trying to make a reservation)

and 'afterparty'