tramtarara, a freind of mine told me: 'I'm going to have a concert, get your camera ready!' (with his rock band)...and so I did
firt stop, at Blacky's in the back, with his brother eating...having a discussion about my canon, haha (long story, don't ask)
Blacky playing with my camera...
here too, that's me the smudge in background..
Majka prepairing her hair for the big evening, heh
heating up (themself, not the audience :) )
welcome speech and finaly (after half hour delay) rock'n roll (uhm...not the roll, just the rock and grunge )
the leader (or is he not?), singer and guitar...not at his best (scroll down for his best)
for more info click on
Roman, guitar (why am I writing it, just look at the photo will you?)
Roman and Roland (from left)...a terrible photo..
also the lights were terrible
and I mean T E R R I B L E
even for my fast prime (F1.8)
even for a event like this...

sitting at my table...not shoting for a while...a short moment only...I ran out of beer, heh

finally, the drummer, Vlado
there're five members of The Kreins...just the lights were so awful I couln't take shots of them all separately...

lovely fans
all the people were...afraid? to get closer...although the music was very loud...
oh yeah, blue buuuuuurn...'got to love that'

isn't this sweet? they made all the people smile...sorry for the noise, it's like ISO6400...would be, if my camera could manage something like that, 'RAW rulez'

well, here's the part of the worst nightmare ever...the man on left, Igor (guitar, as you can clearly see) was standing at a point where there was a strong white light pointing at him (his face) and other parts were...uhm..nearly in darkness

haha, cute, isn't he? :)
Igor...white light pointing at his head and other parts were...well, not lighted at all

and even less light to the end...but the hell..who this point not even me...

and the very end...Peter and his fans...we all love you ;)

vyzerá to tak, že bolo fajn.. akoby tvoje fotky boli odpoveďou na moju sms.. :)
niekedy chcem ísť aj ja do Diwadla na nejaký koncert, len škoda, že to mám tak od ruky.. :(
Uha no vyzera to tak, že sa niekto v sobotu zabával :) Mile fotky. :)
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