I've been shoting a lot last month...relatively speaking
Still, I think I'm not ready to get to FAMU or other photographic school...yet, I am going to try
my latest pseudo-plan: to walk across the town of Brno and it's parts to shot everything that catches my eye. I dare to say there's so much to see, the life of a students town. Brno's just very different from Wien, Bratislava and for me very interesting Berlin.
Again few photos are from Brno, the rest from Prievidza.
garage line at the very far side of Brno
walking around back to tram, my eye spotted a car above fencing. Climbed a pile of concrete blocks and got out of the private property as fast as I could.
Lucky me..none had seen me
abstract tryout at building site of complex of Justice
looking hight to the sky
I plan to return there...if it's going to be possible...
back home in PD, The Kreins having a concert. Here's a photofan
at backstage...Majka is excited about the drummer.
the Kreins
during the IMT smile appearance
for the...well I can't quite remember...went to pub afterwards
I was not the only photographer :)
wohoooo...I used the fillflash...Majka
and Blacky
same night
Janka's celebrating her birthday
please..even I don't want to know any more details

Some time later...Police day in Prievidza
those guys woke me up with their gunfire and even some explosions...
a smoke granade?
the newly built road fully taken...at least some use for all the money. There's no other use of this road, because it leads to nowhere...literally
building a human pyramid?
probably a good view from up there. I wasn't in the mood the climb up among the people...
my all time favourite object..people taking pictures of their beloved

a gun definitely not borrowed from cops
popular attraction: get a photo of yourself with a Kalasnikov

hazard suit for the whole family,why not buying your child one?
yes, your the man!
police chitchat
playing the PSP
guarding the mayor
clearly Prievidza ran out the cops therefore they called for a backup
continuing with the other day, girls from Mimikry...joining a show of american cars in town

I'm everywhere (well..almost) even in changingroom
at the place...I'm thinking about wider lens...this shot would've been a little better
oh my...note the 6-7 years old girl in a cowgirl costume. Are the parents blind or am I too conservative?
short story:
nice performance
what's happening?
and I hope it's the end
very many fans for a cultulary dead town like Prievidza
sweet red. Nice performance...I mean the first 3 minutes were..the other 10 not
I've seen few performances of young girls, but seriously, do they take everybody in these dance classes??? Haven't been so confused since seeing Lynch's work.
'men at work'
but really, was it only me not watching all the same stuff all over again?

they're the stars and I'm the looser who cut her shoulder off

got noticed? like I cared
still, there's something scary in that look
learning from my mistakes: bad compo, good situation..father showing his daugther fancy cars
better...still some bodypart extra. THINK BEFORE YOU PUSH THE BUTTON
Next sections shows how the people were exicted by all the cars (remember the monument, I'd made few shots from upthere)

I think cameras are a little too small these days, like he was holding, nothing
proud American from capital of Slovakia
or proud resident of Bratislava from America...and they wonder why do the other part of this country don't like people from Bratislava
the masses
nice pose from the little guy, reminds me of my childhood

a bit TS play
lost contrast..I know

cameraman straight from vacation at the beach
I just couldn't resists

there's even some singing. and her fan (The only one? The other doesn't seem to be interest)
at hip-hopers lounge

big toys for big boys

America as symbol of something distant, modern and cool? I hope not.

the actual performance of Mimikry

Gabika dancing in that horrible sunlight (at least for photographers), meanwhile Gima chatting in the back

but yeah, the got the attention
good night to you all, good people out there
Still, I think I'm not ready to get to FAMU or other photographic school...yet, I am going to try
my latest pseudo-plan: to walk across the town of Brno and it's parts to shot everything that catches my eye. I dare to say there's so much to see, the life of a students town. Brno's just very different from Wien, Bratislava and for me very interesting Berlin.
Again few photos are from Brno, the rest from Prievidza.

same night

Some time later...Police day in Prievidza
those guys woke me up with their gunfire and even some explosions...

continuing with the other day, girls from Mimikry...joining a show of american cars in town

short story:

big toys for big boys

the actual performance of Mimikry

Gabika dancing in that horrible sunlight (at least for photographers), meanwhile Gima chatting in the back

good night to you all, good people out there
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