hello dear followers :)
I got some new juice for you, no one or two part, some mix from this month
first, sorry for the colors..they might look a bit saturated than they should
can't remember where we were heading. I do remember she was making some joke about how I can't eat apples...
red's good, green too, just the blue is messed up
here too.. nice old builind, for shooting, just somebody has made a junkyard around it. sadly
i liked the color of the gate. I don't usualy make photos like these, that may be a reason for still having the Provia slide film.
man with a load of post packets, I was afraid how it comes out, since there's a huge difference of shadows and lights...
man holding some paper tree. Well it was in front of a theatre
clearly a Camaro fan
higher level chitchat (slight wordgame :) )
I sure need to get in that bar, for more funny decorations like this one in outside window
back home for a while, very short while. There were sweet shadows around the dog, just had to capture it
I'm kinda clueless about this, having only one there - to clear the air. But three of those?
this is, or was a saleout, everything's gone. Amazing!
aaah. Home sweet home. My favourite pub with some new, way too young, faces
the life goes, it won't stop
"photographicus anonymus" :) love the composition here. Not the photographer is the important in here. Check out the camera.
doubledecker for poor people :D
snapshot from one of the photography classes I attend. All are for beginners, yet at least I'll get some points for my graduation
Rado short after buying really cheap artmagazines
this is ART. heh, no, just kidding. Just trying something more abstract
or non-real, 1 sec handhelt btw
back to college (the dorm), small party to celebrate Tuesday.
allmost forgot about the boots. I hope I won't be kicked by them one day
taken without a move! yeah, I'm too lazy to even make a step for a shot. But it came out good.
We're playing this came, I don't know the name, but it makes me nuts everytime (I never know what to do next)
the others were also confused about it or it seem so to me.
at least I had not have to play, so I had lot of time to make these
or this
or even this one, which I also don't remember
I mean it. Did I take this?
well, after some time I got really bad with focusing
but the Idea! I was stoned like hell.
Windows with linux kernel in a tran-ticket-stamper. Some kind of sick joke. Moring ride to school.
some kid with beer glasses waiting for his/hers parents.
while we're going to a gallery, wind started to blow
it took down both the umbrellas
and wanted to tear it too
guarind the exposition
short stop for some coffee. Neat place there, paintings all around.
And pillows on the ceiling, confuses me everytime I'm there...
went to Alfons Mucha's exhibition opening. Nice scene of kid making loud noises. Security had to take him down :)
art appreciator
almost had it right, though hard to get even this one with the crowd there was. My fault
just to show how many people there was
not his tripod I suppose
the grandchild of A. Mucha, speaking about his grandfather ofcourse. Nice light there and really pro-photographer shooting back of his head, hell yeah.
meteostation near my dorm, it got broken or something, since they are checking the stuff often then they used to
nature at its best
too lazy using stairs? get a fork-lift truck!
no cliche 'generation gap' or that shit. Grandfather and his grandson going from school.
It took me a while to realize they the same back then. Thought they are two different. There sure is some reason for the one on bottom to be upside down.
well, I'm no landscape photographer. Just liked the framing there.
IKEA shopping. I was bored while a friend was making a phone call about handles.
haha, this was fun. something like "buy a child, save something". Hope this won't ever happen to me.
the Serious one
the Funny one
me in some old mirror we had found at some recently demolished building
the building itself was still there, just the interiors were thrown out through windows
all kind of stuff. Looked like old school at first.
but it was not. All the stuff what we found, convinced us it of not beeing in school.
some writings on thermal isolation
some quite funny.
eng. translation:
You again!
Drunk like a pig!
I'll shit your tits!
And what were your last words?
Go bitch run!!
someone had done lot of work to get all this out, through windows
yet at least something remained
back to the studio, taking pics of people with the camera, amuses me every time
soft light exercise. But why not portraits?
Sweet baby. With a roll of ISO 25 film there. I still have no tank to develop it.
somebody wanted to be on that (huge btw) security cam?
eee. some fashion show at new shopping centre, right next to new university camus. Damn right, all I want are clothes and shopping for all the day. Nevertheless, I went to eat there.
yes, it was that booring
or he had a hard night. I'm vote for booring.
they had like a truckload of make on their faces. Looked "really good". But think they were paid well for making fool of themselves.
party costume?
extensive beer drinking is going to make you do thing you wouldn't normaly do. I assume...
reminds me of basic school.
we have been writing on each other very often then
I don't even want to know what's written there.
getting crazy
or more drunk :) it's allmost the same state of mind

normaly they wouldn't pose for me.
this cat looked at me, then turned away. I had to look really bad that day :)
a sad sign
had to take the color contrast. Although it looked better in real.
spagety eater :)
one of the shots for photography class. To capture a landscape/nature shot. Try that in a city. Well atleast some minimalism.
or cityscapes
taken during one of the days where there's a blue sky. It's almost cloudy as hell in here.
my favourite. just the plane condensation line shouldn't be there..damn
while waiting for a bus, next to these two people. I spoted he's waving with the bag. For no reason. At least I haven't seen any.
all for now
I got some new juice for you, no one or two part, some mix from this month
first, sorry for the colors..they might look a bit saturated than they should

allmost forgot about the boots. I hope I won't be kicked by them one day

And pillows on the ceiling, confuses me everytime I'm there...

eng. translation:
You again!
Drunk like a pig!
I'll shit your tits!
And what were your last words?
Go bitch run!!

all for now
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