It is some time since I published something....I've been busy or choose. It wasn't my best time those two weeks but I tried to take at least some photos. First part from Brno, my second home (for some time).
I should really start getting some street photos here, but I don't know. There's something wrong with me. No inspiration!
a trendy hip-hop style. Sweet bike though.
short resume: there's has been that thing, Intercamera in Brno...something for photographer, like PMA or others...but smaller. Canon cameras only..and first day only...*suck*...I really wanted to get 5D mkII in hand.
a model prepairing to a shooting...scroll down for more...

playing model for all the visitors..kinda fun watching all the people taking pics with mobile phones

or to get a shot with a fanci dSLR from side with all the people in background. Oh yeah!

finally they were able to make a direct shot of the model...with me in background, haha, loosers..

teaching glamour. Or from my point of view, how to stare on a naked model. All the teenagers where there...that really hurt...none could get a decent shot.

back to the biker model...she had really nice shoes.
and let's travel through time. Back home for some time. I've been shooting
Mimikry at their anniversary. I've been there all day, so I also have some background shots.

doesn't it look like she knew kung-fu?

she finally made it..after few years of training, she was able to jump out of my frame.

me. No comment needed.

Dancing silhouette. This were really amazing. It looked great. They should try some shadowplay next time.

From one of the more scenical choreography.

The Leader.

getting hair done. Zuzka here, she look lovely, doesn't she?

I like they way she looked at me.

Nice smile...honestly...she is very pretty. Crazy hairstyle, but she still looks great :)

We (or they) had still some time left....let's spend it with learning, german language essay "why is foreign language important for us". The usual, we all had to write or at least speak a bit about it in our lives...
Next part from the actual scene. They are a bit mixed. I will get that fixed sometime..maybe. And maybe not.

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