Staring today: a gummy golden pig. I know, it's a BW pic, but you have to belive is gold. And kinda cute too.

The other shots are older, from the World Contraception Day in Brno on 26th Septermber

they were trying push exactly 2008 ballons into the net.
Some of them really enjoyed it...
...some not that much.
notice the woman...great facial expression
...and other...
this time her normal face.
photographers were involved too.
still holding
"your choice" for non-czech/slovak speakers
the girl on the left side. She had nice red hair, but that's not the point. It looked like she was the chief of "ballon-launch"...and never looked at me!
but yeah..she looks a bit nervous here.
and here they go..up, the sky. To see the stars.

flying higher and higher

and even higher. Those two guys sure had a nice view of it.
and they're gone
clean up time

some kids watching funny looking clown...his head looked like it hold on his chest not neck. a bit scarry I'd say.
the other clown...spaming the place with circus flyers

this is some label-cloud. Local botanical garden..I wonder if there really are so many plants.
Power of love. The grain like noise suits it perfectly...and it was taken at total dark...except the background light of the city around. But the kiss is there..the moment is there.

abstract tryout

the ballooooon. I wanted it too..but I couldn't find out where to get it. It was red btw. I don't know if it belonged to the guys or some child forgot it there...

"I am gentle, I am cruel
yet I am the life.
Do you cry? Even in tears
the power is. Then go and live!"
octopus shot only..hadn't had much time to take more. And thanks to my bad eye + not-that-good autofocus was it a nightmare to get only the kite in focus...apperture 2.0 I think this is. The background really is blured.

blade-eating/car-driven-over/steel-bending man. yep, elections time is here.

Michaela..definitely looking at some sweets
Still looking at them. Betka on the left.

Damn good moment to capture. And that's why am I here (I mean this crazy planet).

AAAAA..this small window of post-editing gonna kill me some day...I swear! And it IS F*CKing slow. Damn you google. are some photos of an old football stadium in Brno.
No comments for them, just enyoj them like I did. I'm gonna return there someday

The other shots are older, from the World Contraception Day in Brno on 26th Septermber

the girl on the left side. She had nice red hair, but that's not the point. It looked like she was the chief of "ballon-launch"...and never looked at me!

flying higher and higher

some kids watching funny looking clown...his head looked like it hold on his chest not neck. a bit scarry I'd say.

yet I am the life.
Do you cry? Even in tears
the power is. Then go and live!"

AAAAA..this small window of post-editing gonna kill me some day...I swear! And it IS F*CKing slow. Damn you google. are some photos of an old football stadium in Brno.
No comments for them, just enyoj them like I did. I'm gonna return there someday

Bye for now...I'll see you later.
1 comment:
vtipné i smutné
trefné i nič-nehovoriace
výborné spolu s brakom.
ani nachtwey nemá jednu kategóriu pre deti v ugande, aj pre svoju rodinnú oslavu.
kvantita nie je všetko, na jednej kope sa v nej kvalita stráca.
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