I am still alive..
nothing will stop me from looking at this world through the lens.
but to get to the point, girls talked me over to go with them to Petrov, because they hadn't been there so far

explanation: a myspace/facebook couple style shot..they are making..not me
they tried to look smart or something like that..I don't know..
it sure was quite impressive..they had laughed a lot
Majka trying not to avoid the camera...smthing like that does not happen often

Majka and her camera...canon rulez btw :)
compromising shot..we all know who you are...

Lucka found some slimy, stinky thing..and put her hand right into
and she was not very thrilled about it.
at the Petrov...it really is very high
and looks even higher if you stand right at the wall
few minutes later..home..getting ready for the halloween party downstairs
who wouldn't be afraid of her mythical karate skills?
on my way down..to the actual party, I found this two...a tenis player and a football player? I'm not quite sure
quite sure you all know this very famous mask..wonder why he stood alone there...
a gipsylike dress..well not quite with the beer I think
another gipsylike costume..all the hands coudn't belive she's real..they wanted to touch her...ha..quite funny situation, for involved only :)
yay, a photographer..sadly an armymen..not a photographer
all culters were included..an indian...clan: unknown
a new type of costume: terrorist (including a bomb)
eee..i don't know..but lot of red

right me. and my camera gone...Lenka resposibile for this shot
and the third prize for the best costume goes to: well..it a nurse..somekind of - my opinion..no actual contest was held
second prize winner: the DEATH - my oppinion..no actual contest was held
cute witch..in fact the hat was very cute
the DEATH again..was he following us?

two faced monster? one face reading SMS the other looking around
another witchlike creature?? who knows
this guys hair really lit..literally...it took him some time to wash the color from his face..but we could still see some green on his face

and the first place: the devil...faaancy costume
you see? the DEATH again

at first I thought he was a yellow version of Statue of Liberty...I was wrong..but also a bit drunk
some sports have Fans, not just regulars fans like, e.g. tenis has...but fans with capital F
doesn't she look like from a Matrix?
yellow people ruled
a small disco at the rear side of room
mixing up styles...gipsy with tomahawk and a cook with the bomb (the terrorists bomb)

"repairng" the hair...I mean repairing in a way, that you say to your self "oh, I really wouldn't like to part the hair in the morning"...there's no UNDO button for life..

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