
part 1: old smelter, technical monument...there's not much info about it awailable. currently there are no fundings for reconstruction nor for preservation of this historical building

location - pretty much nowhere, in the middle of a pasture to be precise

build up from bricks, every inch of it...

"the core" - blast-furnace, with trees growing up there

looking back where car was parked... sorry for the flare :(

from backyard where a pile of old iron ore still lies, for maybe 100 years

built 1836, no wonder that trees are growing all over it

part 2: trip for coffee, art and photography

found interesting place for shooting old style. I borrowed some wide lens

the old style, 50 years old camera, but it takes 6*9 negatives!!

camera and its much younger owner

it really was an amazing experience. Maybe because it was raining all the morning.

19mm wide. something very impressive, yet not for everyone. not really my taste, 24's better :)

resting in my favourite café, Karol listing some photography books. sweet, that's why I love that place so much

yes we are film lovers!

I miss symmetry here. However, the place's so small you wouldn't find a suitable "little to left" or "little to right"

small sad elefant

in a green jungle... yet, it is in the very centre of Brno

see ya next time


David Szedely said...

Ta rozpadnuta budova mi je nejake povedoma. Minule sme sli do Budapesti a stala tam nejaka podobna, zelezna huta tusim, tak som na to pozeral :) ale k nej sa tusim nedalo ist. ci je to ona?

enyon eugenius said...

Je super, že sa konečne všetky fotky zobrazuju aj v gReaderi... Mno :)
Stara budovka je zaujmava, najviac sa mi pačila ta "kruhova" , ešte vyzdvihujem slonika :) a aj niektore z cb serie part 2 ;) (Suchy koment, ale na viac sa akurat nezmožem)

little_s said...

@david: veru nie..v budapesti som este nebol...toto je na orave